Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Recommended Reading: The Naked Anabaptist by Stuart Murray

The Naked Anabaptist needed to be written, and I can't imagine anyone better than Stuart Murray to write it. I fully share Stuart's enthusiasm for what the Christian community at large can learn from the Anabaptist way of being Christian, and I hope you'll share my enthusiasm for this book. --Brian D. McLaren, author/speaker/activist

Although I have not read this book yet, I can recommend it based on all the other excellent writings of Stuart Murray. The release date is July 2010. Murray works as a writer, trainer and consultant for the Anabaptist Network based in Bristol, England. His expertise is in Anabaptist history and theology, church planting, emerging church, mission in post-Christendom. Murray provided helpful comments in a chapter on Anabaptist hermeneutics for my doctoral dissertation and has written on dialogical preaching, which is the topic of my dissertation.

This book "uncovers" the bare essentials of Anabaptism stripped of its cultural clothing within the Mennonite, Hutterite, and Amish traditions. The book addresses the following questions: What is an Anabaptist? Where did Anabaptism come from? What do Anabaptists believe? Can I become an Anabaptist? What is the difference between Anabaptists and Mennonites? As a person who came among the Mennonites 23 years ago through studying the 16th century Anabaptists, I believe Murray's book will provide a helpful guide to those interested in what the bare essentials of Anabaptism might look like today.

An extract of the book can be read at: http://www.anabaptistnetwork.com/node/539

1 comment:

  1. I am reading an advanced copy of the book now and it is well worth it. We've created a Facebook group, if you are interested:


