Monday, December 13, 2010

Rosa Parks: Artisan of Social Change

Finished another ink drawing of Rosa Parks for my Artisans of Social Change series.


  1. what eactly is the purpose of this? what is Atrisan of Social Change about, what do they promote?

  2. Artisans of Social Change is a series of my ink drawings of various peace leaders.

  3. Hi Leo,

    I am a History teacher from the UK, and as part of their coursework module, my students are looking at your representation of Rosa Parks in this piece. They are looking at three representations of the effectiveness of peaceful protest during the Civil Rights movement, and they have to comment on the accuracy, objectivity and comprehensiveness of each.

    In assessing a representation's objectivity, they need to consider the author or artist's purpose in producing it - is it designed to promote or celebrate the achievements of a particular individual, or is it designed to present a balanced and factual overview of the successes and failures of the Civil Rights movement (there is no suggestion that one is better or more valid than the other).

    Would it be possible to outline and explain your own motivation for producing these works? And specifically about what you wanted to express about Rosa Parks, or the peaceful protest movement more widely? Anything that you can tell us would be incredibly helpful in helping students to draw conclusions for their work, and they would be very excited to hear from you.

    Many thanks,

    Tom Mole
    St. Christopher's School
